Smart Thinking

Smart Thinking is a design thinking programme in the form of workshops for Sedus employees. The objective is to solve problems in an efficient and creative way and thus to develop innovative and sustainable concepts. As a result, the Smart Thinking approach makes the world of work more agile, efficient and adaptable.

The Smart Thinking model offers companies numerous advantages because it:

  • brings together people from different departments, hierarchical levels and perspectives
  • promotes teamwork and cohesion in the company through comprehensive understanding and exchange of expertise and skills
  • sharpens the open-mindedness for other points of view and perspectives
  • gives everyone the opportunity to be part of the solution  
  • generates a quick approach to solving problems
  • gives room for new ideas and unknown or unfamiliar approaches
  • develops solutions that are really needed by the user

Application in day-to-day work

The Sedus Smart Thinking team has already held numerous workshops in their own purpose-built facilities and believes that this will enable the company to position itself even better to keep pace with the challenges of the modern economy and be successful. This is how the Smart Thinking model works:

Phase 1: Discover

In the discovery phases, each tricky problem is first explored extensively and viewed from different angles. The three problem discovery phases include understanding, empathy and perspective.


Phase 2: Design

The result from the phases of the problem space is a core assumption, known at Sedus as the crucial point. It forms the basis for the creative solution space and is a jointly developed assumption about the needs of the user. The three phases of design are creativity, modelling and testing.


You can find out more about our holistic solutions in our application areas.


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