Sustainable procurement

Short distances and certified materials, such as wood, are important for the environmentally conscious procurement of raw materials. Sedus stands for "Made in Germany", and this is reflected in the facts.

Behind every Sedus product there is an idea, a vision or a solution to a problem. As early as the development stage, Sedus thinks about materials from an environmental perspective. Accordingly, the assessment of life cycles and the associated environmental impacts are already examined in the development process, and work is carried out on the basis of clear specifications.

Elaborate development & in-house design concepts

The design concepts are created in-house and are characterised by three points in particular:

  • Environmentally friendly material selection based on the life-cycle analysis
  • Use of more and more recycled material
  • High demands on durability and timeless design

The respective requirements for stability and fatigue strength always comply with the Sedus standard. This goes further than the requirements of national and European standards. In addition to this, Sedus conducts regular product audits with reliability tests as part of serial manufacturing, analyses of causes of errors and effects as well as finite elements calculations to save resources and also optimise product strength. The Sedus own test laboratory is accredited under DIN EN ISO 17025:2018.

Regional suppliers & eco-friendly materials

Sedus relies on regional suppliers, with a share of 66% from Germany and a total of 85% from Europe. Furthermore, we pass on the high requirements in the areas of the environment, human rights, labour standards and corruption prevention to our suppliers for them to sign. In addition, Sedus makes sure that its suppliers are committed to sustainable business practices.

The materials used at Sedus are environmentally friendly:

  • Secondary aluminium
  • Wood from sustainably managed forests
  • Leather from Germany and Austria
  • Textiles according to Oeko-Tex or Cradle to Cradle certificate
  • Recyclable and recycled plastics

Sustainability commitment

The Sedus Stoll Group runs a systematic and all-encompassing sustainability management programme. In this context, we expect our suppliers to meet specific requirements in relation to sustainable business conduct. International standards such as the ILO Declaration, the OECD Guidelines and particularly the United Nations Global Compact form the basis of these guidelines. The guideline applies to the supplier, their supply chain and, therefore, also to their sub-suppliers.

High quality standards & recognised certifications

Products from Sedus should last for a long time – which also helps to protect the environment. This is why quality and premium manufacturing have a very high priority. Furthermore, good quality guarantees long-lasting satisfaction with the product.

The majority of the product range at the Geseke site has been PEFC-certified since 2016. Chain of Custody certification for the Dogern site will follow in 2025, ensuring that the majority of the wood used comes from sustainably managed forests. Furthermore, several product families have been certified under the environmental seal “Blaue Engel" (Blue Angel). With the highest FEMB Level 3 certification, Sedus also fulfils the requirements of the circular economy. These certifications emphasise the company's tireless commitment to sustainable procurement.


Risik management

An important aspect for Sedus is the avoidance of risks for partners, the company, the supply chain, employees and the regions in which the company operates. Therefore, Sedus carries out a forward-looking annual risk analysis that also includes suppliers. The continuous human rights and environmental risk analysis identifies potential and actual impacts along the entire supply chain. The analysis forms the basis for the derivation of objectives, preventive and remedial measures, and is given weight in the constant entrepreneurial decision-making process.


As a globally networked company, Sedus sets high standards and has them verified by external organisations.


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