
Open communication about all environmentally relevant information concerning the company, its products and processes creates transparency. Therefore, Sedus provides a comprehensive sustainability report, detailed ecological product data sheets and the Carbon Footprint Calculator.

Sustainability report

Sedus takes a holistic view of sustainability, as this is the only way to bring about improvements and continue to operate successfully as a responsible company in the future. The sustainability report transparently shows the goals and challenges Sedus is pursuing with regard to sustainability.


Environmental Product Information (EPI)

The EPI is available for download for more than 100 Sedus products. This enables Sedus to create an environmentally orientated database for its products. On the one hand, this database transparently discloses the emissions of products and, on the other, allows a detailed analysis of the products in order to subsequently improve them from an ecological point of view.


It gives you a comprehensive overview of important environmental information about a product, for example:

  • Features: Design, special features, spare parts and warranty
  • Production: Details on production and production standards
  • Materials: Composition and recycled content/recyclability
  • Eco labels: Certificates and standards
  • Declarations: Self-declaration, Reach Regulation and Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act
  • Life cycle assessment (LCA): Results of the life cycle assessment (product carbon footprint) with the following material cycle phases: procurement and transport, production, waste management and recycling

Carbon Footprint Calculator

On request, Sedus will calculate the total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for individual products (Product Carbon Footprint) or a complete individual project (Project Carbon Footprint).

The calculation process is based on the DIN EN 15804 life cycle assessment and is realised in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Furthermore, a visualisation of the project carbon footprint dashboards is possible. The calculation includes all Sedus products as well as the logistics for delivery.



As a globally networked company, Sedus sets high standards and has them verified by external organisations.


Contact us

Would you like to find out more about sustainability at Sedus? Our sustainability team will be happy to answer your questions and provide suggestions:


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