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drawbacks of teamwork. It helps to restrict the tendency for groupthink and the potentially overbearing presence of a dominant leader and also discourage the idea that meetings are a waste of time or even completely useless.
In contrast to purely individual learning, which improves specific skills and competences, team learning is more likely to foster the creation of a shared vision or goal for the team, a greater understanding of the processes activities of the whole group and a sense of ownership of specific roles and responsibilities5.
These benefits demonstrate how new forms of learning are a prerequisite for the adoption of changes catalysed by technological and cultural improvements, which frame hierarchy and leadership in a completely new light.
Experiential and informal learning is relevant for all age groups because it disproportionately improves the performance of younger workers while also ensuring older workers are able to cope with an increase in the retirement age6.
In this scenario, new skills are needed while others are less relevant to some degree or another, so a third type of employee is emerging who is neither a manual or knowledge worker in the strictly traditional sense, but is instead a learning worker, distinguishable by his or her ability to learn7.
This worker is characterised by a high degree of flexibility, adaptability to new situations and ability to learn how to face brand new challenges and issues.
This page:
Comparing three work models: traditional office, coworking and remote working (such as working in coffee bars or similar).
Data: The 21st Century Debate:
Remote vs. Office vs. Co-Working, Drew Hendricks.

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